Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Progress with STEP 1: Notice ... Are you?


Fragrance Free in 23 the blog and the mission, was birthed in time for Earth Day 2011 and our very first outing and educational table at the Bayview Earth Day, So. Whidbey Island.  The first two posts to "FF23" lay the groundwork for us and those two 'stories' remain the bones upon which we flesh our venture forward. 

TAKE FIVE is the simple to remember ditty we began and continue to sing ... a way to change the momentum in our old beliefs and thinking about being human and being humans who don't harm.   So, this is a check-in point.  Covering ground again, we look at:

NOTICE what you do with what you have, and why you do it.

This is all about you:  what you do; what you have, and why.  Everybody has stuff and that's where we had to start when life as we'd known it washed away like drawings in the sand. Our lessons have been tough, but they have honed us good and plenty, over and over again. 

This is THE step to FREED-UPness.  Take whatever time you need, but do make time to NOTICE and record what you discover.  Our experience has been ... don't act on what you find at this point.  Just notice.  It's very much  like the process of effective change-making found in wise traditions across the Earth:  AWARE, ACCEPT then ACT. 

God, I do a lot of things.  Answering that question would take ... well, more time than I have.

Just take 5 minutes.  What do you do with any 5 minutes in your day; the first 5 minutes of your day.

Geez, whaddaya mean, what do I have?

Just that! 

Like I said already ...

Just take 5 minutes, maybe those same 5 minutes of noticing what you do ... notice what you're doing with WHAT YOU HAVE.

I'm starting to get the picture. 

The TAKE FIVE approach to Fragrance Free in 23(Two Thousand Twenty Three) begins with slowing down long enough to NOTICE what we do.  Hawaiians have an exquisite word for that, KULEANA.  Roughly translated it means "responsibility".  Seems to us, as we continue to live one Freed-up Day on this glorious Planet Earth:  our KULEANA starts with knowing the answers to those three questions. 

What if you started or spent 5 minutes (or more) to SHAMPOO YOUR HAIR ...

Here's an article written a few years ago by Bill Bunn from Calgary, Alberta.  He asked the question "What's really in your shampoo?" 

The article starts this way:

"There are two types of ingredients in shampoo. One type cleans your hair. The other type strokes your emotions. I'm holding a bottle of Pantene Pro V, one of the world's most popular shampoos. Of the 22 ingredients in this bottle of shampoo, three clean hair. The rest are in the bottle not for the hair, but for the psychology of the person using the shampoo. At least two-thirds of this bottle, by volume, was put there just to make me feel good..."
Link to the entire article: http://www.salon.com/news/environment/good_life/2009/08/13/shampoo/

To find out what INGREDIENTS ARE IN WHAT YOU USE click

It's something to think about the next time you shampoo your hair, and then there's this

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