Thursday, May 5, 2011

GOING Fragrance Free In 23 Mother's Day, 2011: South Whidbey Tilth (Restrooms)

We've volunteered to supply and maintain the Freed-up Clean-up practices in the two restrooms at  South Whidbey Tilth.  The Farmers' Market is now officially happening, Sundays from 11:30 AM -3:30 PM.  Local organic farmers, vendors and educational tables and booths and a delicious choice of meals are being served up at our favorite neighborhood market.  We'll  have our Freed-up Clean-up practices of using Planet Ultra Unscented Dishsoap as the handwashing liquid in place, Sunday, May 8th ... what a great MOTHER'S DAY GIFT to mothers there! 

Pete and I arrived and planted ourselves on this island, a year ago (April, 2010).  South Whidbey Tilth Farmers' Market (held on Saturday) became our one and only safe-enough-for-us event.  We had been long on the road to the present life-of-more-and-better feelings.  It was the once a week experiences at the 'Tilth' that made my 'PLAN BE' a vibrating reality ... one that was, but was not yet, see-able.

FRAGRANCE FREE IN 23 Frees-up the Tilth Restrooms
May, 8, 2011

PLANET Ultra Dishsoap
will be the freed-up, no harm, no fragrance

in dispensers found in both So Whidbey Tilth restrooms

We'll Maintain & Clean 
the restrooms using

PLANET Ultra Dishsoap
(just a dash)

LINK HERE to read THE SIMPLE & HARMLESS ingredients used in Planet Ultra Dishsoap.  This site includes more uses for this product.  We, Pete and I are not paid for naming this product; we use this product ... the only 'product' other than baking soda and vinegar(s) to wash our everything and ourselves.  There are other un-scented and chemical harmless or less harmfull product to be bought.  The EWG Website can give you lots of info and then, choose.  We use Planet because it does no harm to us, we tolerate it well; and it's doing no harm to Earth.

See you Sundays at our first FRAGRANCE FREE IN 23 Freed-up COMMUNITY Site!! 

Happy Mother's Day, Mothers and Mother Earth.

Do you have a Community Site wanting to be our next Freed-up Site?  Contact us, it costs but a jot, and counts for so much.


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