Sunday, May 1, 2011

MAY DAY ... May Pole Dancing ... More of Plan "Be"

May is a month of many manifestations: May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii ... garlands of flowers everywhere.  May Day is also Laborer's Day ... thank the gods for people who know how to handle a shovel ... a hammer, a pick.  May Day is also May Day and May Pole Dancing.  Our Freed-up Lives of living fragrance free has taught us a lot about some things, and a little about a lot of things.  We know there's a connection between manufactured chemicals and fragrances concocted and not at all good for us, the critters or Earth.  May is also MCS (Multiple Chemical Awareness Month) all over the Earth, and in the state we now call home --- Washington.  So, we are conscious of the slowly moving effort to educate, as we do with this blog about being human without harming. 

Here's a bunch of 4th Graders doing a choreographed version of the May Pole Dance.  

So, multiple reasons to celebrate and dance around a May Pole on May 1st!  A short drive out of the woods where we live is one of the gardens where we love to be:  be planting dirt-hills seeded with squash soon; be with neighbors who sell their vegetables and goodies (cookies and home-made delightful things and some not-too-great-for-me scented things); be enjoying the lovely sun, and company of others.  At the So Whidbey Tilth where the wind and open space allows me plenty of room to navigate the not-too-great-for-me scented things and people, there was a MAY POLE.  That MAY POLE made from a recently alive alder was hung with 12 colorful ribbons.  In my fondest, and newest plan "Be"  I was dancing in that May Pole Dance.  Before I was cast into the role of old dear woman with many, many chemical sensitivities, I have been a child-at-heart who loved to be at glee.  I have had a life as a clown, taught and told stories to wee children, and love dancing unconsciously losing all cause for resistence in the process.

This Noon at the So Whidbey Tilth, my plan "Be" continued to be the best possible example of living more and more in a down-stream flow of believing before I see it reality.  The twelve volunteer May Pole Dancers surrounded the alder May Pole, children and not so young stood ready for instruction.  Not yet among them, I was none the less, in bliss, in the sunshine with my honey, Pete.  At the very last minute the gal in charge of the 'art installation' looked at me, and said, "You!"  "Would you help him!"  It was not really a question ... it was my plan "Be"  kickin' in.  Him was a tiny dark-haired, gray-sweatshirted boy in need of a guide person.  I was perfectly suited for the volunteer position.  We were given 2 minutes of instructions, and then we moved to the music of tin whistles, and string instruments played by a wonderful group of neighboring musicians.

15 minutes of over and under, which took a while to get synchronized, became a jolly, joyful, all colors of love and fun-time.  The ribbons at first wobbled, and our attention was mostly a query of consciousness ... apparent in our intense faces.  But, gradually, with each over and under of the ribbons, our consciousness lost itself in the fun of the dance and we were in the vibe.  May Pole Vibe!  I could smell the not-so-great-for-me fragrances, but they were not as  powerful as the unself-conscious plan "Be" that was guiding both the wee boy in gray and old dear with the colorful cap. 

I have waited 58 years for this May Pole Dance, and guess what?  It was worth the wait!  May your Plan "Be" include a May Pole Dance with your neighbors sometime, and maybe, year after year those May Pole Dances become fragrance free by 2023. 

Happy May Day!


  1. wonderful, wonderful, wonder-full Mokihana!
    I so thoroughly enjoyed reading of your May Pole experience - downstream all the way!

  2. Prescott, Thanks. The love was in the May Pole! May it be there for many Mays to come.

  3. Mahalo Selina ...yes, it was that!


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