Sunday, April 17, 2011

EARTH DAY 2011 Bayview, WA "Take 5"

Here we are  decked out in winter gear for our first ever EARTH DAY 'Clean Green' time.  Our funky, fun FRAGRANCE FREE IN 23 Table featured the Clean Green stuff of our simple life here on Whidbey Island:

  • A very worn and used-for-many-reasons shower curtain backdrop
  • Well-off-gassed colored construction paper cut-out in letters
  • Clothes line
  • Wooden clothes pins for pegging up the TAKE 5 STEPS
  • Straight pins for holding the letters on the shower curtain in place
  • The funky 5-finger hands for TAKE 5 (steps toward Fragrance Free) came from a pulled out of the recycle pile
  • Our TWO BASIC CLEANERS:  baking soda and two kinds of vinegar sat on the table along with
  • The Reverse Osmosis Water Filter we tote everywhere we've lived
  • Years of being a teacher working on a shoe string; and a tall man handy with string & tools pulled things together for EARTH DAY, 2011

We ...
Never sat down.
Met some great people.
Made new friends, and I met folks Pete has been talking about for months.
Weathered drizzles, wind and cold.
Managed the drift of a community not yet fully fragrance free.

Life is ... a journey

Many thanks to Prescott who is among many things our South Whidbey Tilth friend for the photos.  So fun to be part of the neighborhood, part of Whidbey and part of the great big beautiful Earth.

We love this place PLANET EARTH!
Mokihana and Pete


    You did it!
    My face is almost aching from grinning so much reading these recent posts of yours all in a row :-) :-]

  2. Ha,ha, Libby. What a great reason for aching! xo Mokihana


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