Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We Love This Place Planet Earth in (at least!) 23 Ways

Three years ago the world we knew became a place without safety. Life as we'd known it was quickly being erased by choices made by people we loved, people we didn't know and people we used to be.  More important than all the choices other people were making, our choices and beliefs would need re-honing.  We were living in our faithful green Subaru, and all definitions and beliefs had to be reassembled.  We have survived, and now begin a new journey and story of healing and well-being.  We have learned a few things, let go of even more things, beliefs and attitudes, and share some of our daily practices here at Fragrance Free in 23, on Earth Day, 2011.  We think it's a perfect time to offer what we're found and you can choose which of these offerings vibrate to your beliefs about 'home'... YOUR home and OUR home EARTH!

What is this blog?

Here's a place to take notice of what you do at home now, and open up your beliefs and actions to move incrementally to a FRAGRANCE FREE, CLEAN LIVING, FREED-UP 2023.  We'll lay out the things we do in our life of healing from the affects of MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities), and offer resources that work for us.  WE INVITE You, viewers and readers, to ADD your stories, experiences and love for Earth practices here, too.  Use the COMMENT tab at the end of each post to grow these '(at least!) 23 Ways we love Planet Earth.'

It will take practice to get from here to there.  Change takes time, and when we began conceiving this blog in early January, 2011 the image of our twin  hanai mo'opuna (spirit-connected grandbabies) inspired me to look toward their future.  If by 2023, more and more choices and decisions were influenced by a fragrance-free attitude what a wonderfully different and freed-up world those teen aged mo'opuna would know!

Here's a snip from a report that makes a case for being FRAGRANCE FREED-UP.  See what you think

 Change in beliefs and thoughts take time, 2023 is a decade away.  Much will need to be done, education and community change will take time and commitment.

 "...Today a wide range of products are sold using the same general theme as the Marlboro ads: life is better; and your clothes, body and house are cleaner, fresher, more desirable if they smell nice. However, the invisible and unlabeled ingredients that make you or your house cleaner, fresher, or more desirable are not listed on any product label. A recent analysis of 6 top selling laundry products and air fresheners found "nearly 100 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were emitted from the products and five of the products as the average non-smoker was to the risks of second-hand smoke. When ignorance is replaced with knowledge, a large segment of the population will respond with a demand for clean and safe air in the workplace. In the United States and Canada, an increasing number of clinics, schools, public buildings and meetings, buses and workplaces have declared their institutions fragrance-free: a paradigm shift is beginning...

Link here to the whole report 

An April 16th, 2011 Earth Day Celebration and opportunity to share information with folks in our Whidbey Island, WA community fuels the timing of this blog.  We hope there is something here to aid your love of this Planet, our home.  Add your own '23 or however many' lists and actions.  Let us know if there is some way we can help.

My email address is mokihanacalizarATgmailDOTcom make connect.  We'd love  to hear from you!


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